
13 July 2022

2021-22 End Of Year Letter


Portland Metro RMA Chapter Members, Sponsors and Friends: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Portland Metro Chapter of the RMA, I wanted to express our gratitude for your involvement with our chapter. This year marked a sometimes chaotic and harrowing transition from virtual programming to several successful in-person events culminating in an [...]

2021-22 End Of Year Letter2022-11-03T16:19:09+00:00
17 September 2021

A Brief History of RMA in Oregon


The 1920s opened rather inauspiciously.  In the spring of 1921, Warren G. Harding assumed office as president of the nation. In Portland, bankers considered Harding a sound choice. They realized, however, that there was little evidence that a “return to normalcy” was imminently due. The economic disruptions of World War I were not to be [...]

A Brief History of RMA in Oregon2021-10-26T11:40:16+00:00
1 March 2019

But I Planned to Pay It Back!


We have likely all heard the stories, maybe even from our own customers! A long‑term trusted employee (we’ll call him Vic) betrayed that trust. Some time ago, maybe years, Vic ‘borrowed’ $500. He has the best intentions to pay it back from his next paycheck. But, of course, on the next payday, Vic actually needs [...]

But I Planned to Pay It Back!2024-05-10T13:56:04+00:00
4 February 2019



You’ve worked hard to land that new customer.  They want a new line of credit and you want to give it to them.  Of course, you will need financial statements for underwriting but which ones? Audits are the ‘gold standard’ but they are the most expensive for your customer.  Maybe you should ask for a [...]

AUDITS, REVIEWS AND COMPS – OH MY!  2022-11-03T17:08:17+00:00
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